Notice: Undefined index: aol in /home/servacom/public_html/inc/detect.php on line 387

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1000 MB En Disco
5GB A / Banda
1 Dominio Alojado

$ 16.00 /x mes

3000 MB En Disco
30GB Ancho de Banda
3 Dominios Alojados


10000 MB En Disco
100GB Ancho de Banda
25 Dominios Alojados

$ 35.00 /mensual

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Contol Panel Info      
Control Panel cPanel view demo cPanel view demo cPanel view demo
Multi-Language Support 12 languages 12 languages 12 languages
Domains & SubDomains      
Hosted Domains 1 3 Unlimited
Domain Pointers/Parking Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Sub-Domains 5 10 Unlimited
Advanced Tools      
PHP 4.x
Python Support
FTP Accounts 1 5 Unlimited
mySQL Databases 1 100 Unlimited
phpMyAdmin access
Manage GPG Keys
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Secure Shell (SSH) Access Optional Optional Optional
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Virus protection (ClamAV)
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Email Addresses 100 1000 Unlimited
SMTP/POP Servers 100 1000 Unlimited
POP3 & IMAP Mailboxes 100 1000 Unlimited
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Email Forwarders 100 1000 Unlimited
Email Mailing Lists (MailMan) 100 1000 Unlimited
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Site Tools
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Ability to Edit MIME Types Mailboxes
Ability to Edit Apache Handlers
Hotlink Protection
IP Deny Manager
Search Engine Submit Tool
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Server Side Includes (SSI)
Webalizer Web Stats
Webalizer FTP Stats
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Pre-Installed FREE Scripts      
Fantastico De Luxe
Content Management Systems
Help and Support Services Software
Bulletin Boards
E-Commerce & Shoping Carts
Image Galleries
Project Managent
Web Chats
Counter & Clock Generators
Monthly Fee $16.00 $25.00 $35.00
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